Monthly financials 1222

Monthly Financials – December 2022

Here are my monthly financials for December 2022.

Financials 122022

Top 3 Income Sources

Clinical Trial – S$1,700

This is payment for a clinical trial I just did.

Government Grants – S$700

This is from the GST pay out, S$500 from Cost-of-Living Special Payment and S$200 from Assurance Package Cash Payout.

Affiliate & Referrals – S$686.91

For trust bank, the number of referrals has dropped significantly and for the last week of December, I don’t think there are any more referrals coming in. I got S$165 of Trust Bank referrals this month. Also, according to the terms and conditions, it seems that the referral promotion has ended on 31 December 2022.

If you still have not signed up for a Trust Bank account, you can check out how to get the sign-up rewards here.

I got my first ShopBack referral of S$10 this month.

I also got 3 referrals from Webull, getting about $510.

If you sign up for a Webull account and fund it, you will get rewards from Webull and I will also share the referral rewards I get on my side. Find out more here.

Top 3 Expense Sources

Investment – S$1,700

S$200 of it is my monthly DCA into STI ETF using POSB Invest-saver. GameStop dropped below US$20 and triggered my price alert so I bought some.

Groceries – S$1,047.37

Since the NTUC vouchers from Trust Bank referrals are going to expire in February, I decided to mass buy some stuff online as I think it will be very difficult to clear through the number of vouchers if I only buy groceries physically. I bought multiple rolls of toilet paper and long-shelf-life groceries like sardines, lentils and rice. I also took the opportunity to purchase new pillows to replace my decades-old pillows.

Giveaway Expenses – S$315.95

This is from my sharing my rewards with people who signed up using my Webull link.

Yearly Financials

Here are my yearly financials for 2022.

Financials 2022


Income dropped by almost S$4,000 compared to 2021. Thanks to the referrals from Trust Bank sign-ups and government grants, I still managed to maintain a positive net amount in 2022. There is also a significant increase in interest income due to the rising interest rates.


Expenses remained relatively similar at S$10,000. Grocery expenses increased greatly by almost 4x as I needed to use the NTUC vouchers received from Trust Bank referrals. Allowance also increased as I topped up my mother’s CPF to take advantage of the matched retirement savings scheme.

CLL’s Infrequently Curated Videos

Is HexClad Cookware a scam?

This is one of the multiple pans out there that has non-stick properties but with a twist. HexClad pans claimed to be both non-stick and longer-lasting due to its special design. The honeycomb grooves prevent direct contact of utensils like spatulas so that the non-stick coating can last longer. While it is true that it is both non-stick and longer-lasting, if you have expectations that they are as non-stick as other smooth pans, you will be greatly disappointed as some foods like eggs will still stick to the pan. Although they have a lifetime warranty, the warranty doesn’t cover normal wear and tear, which means that the pan will lose the non-stick properties anyways and it is not covered under warranty. These pans have their own target market for individuals that want a longer-lasting quite non-stick pan. If you are looking for a non-stick pan that can fry an egg without oil, an ordinary non-tick is more suitable for you.

Can a HUMAN cycle fast enough to make TOAST?

This cyclist tries to replicate a 2015 viral video where an Olympic cyclist toasted bread using the power of his legs. It shows the difference in power generated between a professional and a fit individual. The content creator barely managed to get a small spot of brown on his bread before stopping.

Investigating Logan Paul’s Biggest Scam

Coffeezilla strikes again and released a 3-part investigative video talking about a crypto NFT project by the notorious Logan Paul. Logan Paul announced a project called CryptoZoo which is a game where you can breed pets to generate income. However, the game didn’t even manage to launch so a lot of “investors” got stuck with virtual eggs that they can’t even hatch. Some of these individuals invested based on Logan Paul’s involvement. Although they don’t really “trust” him, they recognize the hype someone like LP can bring and would like to capitalize on the hype and sell the tokens before it eventually dumps. Coffeezilla did his investigation over more than a year and interviewed multiple parties involved in the project.

Here are part 2 and part 3.

Got Cheated 400,000 Yen. Don’t Go To Bars At Kabukicho.

This is a re-enactment of what an individual faced previously. Touters will approach you and claim that you can drink unlimited alcohol for 3,000 JPY (S$30) per hour. It sounds like a great deal that is too good to be true, which it is. They will bring you to an outlet where there isn’t any other customers. When you get your bill, you will get a shock of your life. This individual got charged 400,000 JPY (S$4,000) as the 3,000 JPY per hour is just for sitting there. Alcohol and even ice has separate charges. When he tried to question the waiter, the waiter stated that the price is all stated and it is the customer’s fault for not checking. Upon further questioning, a gangster appeared and started threatening the customer, forcing them to go them an ATM to withdraw funds. Even the police are unwilling to get involved.

Do your research and don’t get enticed by overly attractive deals especially while travelling as they are possibly scams. It can also be difficult to get any recourse.

I was wrong (and so was everyone)

This content creator made a mistake on one of his earlier videos. However, his research was as solid as reasonably possible as his content was based off the official government website. He received an email questioning his video as the government website no longer shows that fact. He decided to commission a professional to look into it and it took the pro 2 weeks of solid work perusing old texts to try to guess what the real facts are. History can be quite unclear sometimes especially in an era without proper documentation and it is up to the interpretation of individuals that writes the history books. However, when new evidence gets uncovered, facts can and should be updated.

Investing During Recessions – How Should Investors Prepare?

If you are expecting some secret tip, you will be disappointed. The fact is no one can predict where is the top or bottom consistently. If you already have a proper investment plan, you should continue doing it as timing the market is virtually impossible. However, if you don’t, you should look at your risk tolerance and current risk exposure to decide what to do. Instead of thinking if you should sell your investments and buy them at a lower price, treat any potential crashes as a buying opportunity if you have the time horizon to wait for them to recover.

The real reason tickets are so pricey (it’s not TicketMaster)

TicketMaster (US’s SISTIC) has been facing additional scrutiny after their failure regarding Taylor Swift’s concert tickets. TM is essentially a monopoly for all major performance ticket sales so they have the pricing power for the tickets. However, the content creator argues that tickets getting more expensive is not totally the fault of TM. Based on economics, the tickets exchange hands at prices people are willing to pay. Celebrities are essentially pricing their ticket below “market price” as if they price it based on the “market price”, they will alienate a majority of their fans and also face backlash for being greedy.

Money Manager App

I am using an app called Money Manager to track my income and expenses. It is a free tool available on mobile available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

As far as I know, the data collected from the app is for tracking the ads you view and interact with on the app.

Please check out their privacy policy on what information they collect and what is it used for.

Personally, the value this app brings to me outweighs the value of the information I provide to them.


Trust Bank Sign Up – Free $35 NTUC eVoucher – Referral Code – 9YA868HD

SAFRA Might Be Silently Taking $40 Away From You Yearly

On a budget? See Free Stuff To Do In Singapore

Check out my Breaking The Marketer’s Code series here

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