Monthly financials 0222

Monthly Financials – February 2022

Here are my monthly financials for February 2022.

Financials 022022

It is good to keep track and review your monthly financials so you can be in control of your finances.

Having a fixed income and knowing my expenses will not exceed my budget allowed me to not track my expenses before I left my job. I did not feel a need to track my finances strictly as I know I can control my spending. I only tracked my investments diligently.

Since I will not have a fixed source of income soon, I decided to start tracking my financials starting from January 2021. Money will be tight so I need to be extra prudent. This also helps generate content for my website. 

Top 3 Income Sources

Adhoc Gigs – S$540

I did some part-time as a warehouse packer for a few days. You can read more about my experience here before deciding whether you should do this job during the holidays.

Interest – S$356.56

This is made up of the coupon payments from Singapore Savings Bond and interest from Singlife and Dash PET. I forgot to include last month’s SSB interest so I included them here.

Other – S$260

This amount is made up of my Angpow for Chinese New Year, some random contest I participated online and the PTV voucher.

Top 3 Expense Sources

Gift – S$220

This is the angpows I gave out for Chinese New Year.

Investment – S$200

S$200 of it is my monthly DCA into STI ETF using POSB Invest-saver.

Transportation – S$24.57

This is my public transport costs.

CLL’s Infrequently Curated Videos

The Orion Nebula vs The Sun: Scale of the Universe

We know that space is huge but how huge is it actually? It can be difficult to comprehend the scale but, in this video, the creator attempts to show the scale of the universe using VFX. The video shows how small humanity is in the grand scheme of things. It took him six months to make this 4-minute video.

Why Dutch Bikes are Better (and why you should want one)

The common bikes we see in Singapore are foldable bikes, mountain bikes or road bikes. These bikes are efficient and fast but not as comfortable as the Dutch Bike. I would say the Dutch Bike looks similar to the “Auntie Bikes” that we sometimes see at the market. The creator provides a list of functions on the bicycle that makes the Dutch Bike the perfect bike for commuting every day.

Can YOU Fix Climate Change?

On the individual level, we can’t really do much as corporations are the ones that have the largest effect on climate change. Even if we recycle every carton or aluminium can that we recycle is eclipsed by the waste created every day.

However, we don’t have to feel powerless as we can do two things. First, we can vote with our wallets, making corporations change how they do things when we stop spending at less environmentally friendly companies. Next, we can vote for leaders that will implement sustainable policies. Policies and laws can dictate what can and cannot be done so that corporations can nudged to be more sustainable.

Three Card Monte Scam in London

Don’t gamble with people you don’t know and trust. You might be able to win at the beginning but it is just bait. If you see other people winning easily, these individuals can also be part of the scam, showing you that it is easy money. A skilful dealer will be able to deal whatever card he wants you to get.

STUNNING Fonts On Google You Did Not Know Existed!

If you need to make a presentation at work or at school, stop using the default fonts and explore the many free fonts that are out there. Here are some of the free fonts (even for commercial use) that this creator shortlisted for different use cases.

Song Of The Month

Money Manager App

I am using an app called Money Manager to track my income and expenses. It is a free tool available on mobile available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

As far as I know, the data collected from the app is for tracking the ads you view and interact with on the app.

Please check out their privacy policy on what information they collect and what is it used for.

Personally, the value this app brings to me outweighs the value of the information I provide to them.

Comment and let me know what you think about tracking your finances.


Trust Bank Sign Up – Free $35 NTUC eVoucher – Referral Code – 9YA868HD

SAFRA Might Be Silently Taking $40 Away From You Yearly

On a budget? See Free Stuff To Do In Singapore

Check out my Breaking The Marketer’s Code series here

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