Monthly financials 1121

Monthly Financials – November 2021

Here are my monthly financials for November 2021.


It is good to keep track and review your monthly financials so you can be in control of your finances.

Having a fixed income and knowing my expenses will not exceed my budget allowed me to not track my expenses before I left my job. I did not feel a need to track my finances strictly as I know I can control my spending. I only tracked my investments diligently.

Since I will not have a fixed source of income soon, I decided to start tracking my financials starting from January 2021. Money will be tight so I need to be extra prudent. This also helps generate content for my website. 

Top 3 Income Sources

Adhoc Gigs – S$1,200

In 2019 – 2020, I participated in a program that attempts to predict whether certain clinical studies get replicated. I managed to get some decent predictions and managed to get about S$1,200 worth of prizes that finally got paid out this month. The top player that got the highest pay out received about S$7,800.

The money is paid to my PayPal and I will have to pay 3-4% in currency conversion when I decide to withdraw it.

There is still a Covid portion that has not finalized yet. Fingers crossed that I get some money out of it.

Interest – S$163.07

This is made up of the coupon payments from Singapore Savings Bond and interest from Singlife.

Merch Sales – S$129.00

I received US$95.95 worth of commissions from selling merch on TeePublic and Redbubble. If you like to find out more about selling merch, you can look at an article I wrote here.

Top 3 Expense Sources

Investment – S$200

S$200 of it is my monthly DCA into STI ETF using POSB Invest-saver.

Groceries – S$30.03

Bought groceries from Giant and NTUC.

Health – S$25.91

I got injured after exercising and had to visit the polyclinic.

CLL’s Infrequently Curated Videos

Malaysia’s Health Supplements Boom: What Are The Side Effects?

There are certain sellers inflating the effects of supplements in order to sell them. People are looking for short cuts and just want the pill to solve everything without putting gin any other efforts. When confronted, the seller says that if they tell you the truth about weight loss (need to combine supplement with exercise and nutrition), no one will want to buy it. The fines for misrepresenting the effects is so miniscule that it becomes a cost of business and is no longer treated as a penalty.

How Young Gamers Are Turning Into Gamblers: Loot Box Danger Parents Should Know

Gacha games are another form of gambling where there is the thrill of “pulling” for items or characters. Instead of paying the full price for an item, you get to pay a small amount with a probability (low) amount of getting the item you want. These gacha games are extremely profitable. The game that I have since quit, Genshin Impact, made an estimated US$ 3.5 billion in 2020.

The Ugly Realities Behind Cute Viral Videos | Beyond The Viral Video

See that cute cat or baby on social media? How many takes does it take to get the perfect video to upload? When it is now profitable to create content via product placement and advertisements, there are some people that want to cash in by creating viral videos. These videos most of the time are scripted and take many tires before there is a version good enough for uploading to social media. This is especially concerning when it involves parties that have no control over participating in the videos, like animals and kids. Humans tend to anthropomorphize and put human qualities on animals. For example in the video, when you see that a certain animal is acting really cute, they might actually be acting out of fear.

Money Manager App

I am using an app called Money Manager to track my income and expenses. It is a free tool available on mobile available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

As far as I know, the data collected from the app is for tracking the ads you view and interact with on the app.

Please check out their privacy policy on what information they collect and what is it used for.

Personally, the value this app brings to me outweighs the value of the information I provide to them.

Comment and let me know what you think about tracking your finances.


Trust Bank Sign Up – Free $35 NTUC eVoucher – Referral Code – 9YA868HD

SAFRA Might Be Silently Taking $40 Away From You Yearly

On a budget? See Free Stuff To Do In Singapore

Check out my Breaking The Marketer’s Code series here

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